Saturday, September 1, 2007

E-bankrupt fleeing boycott of e-flux

"Want to e-bankrupt? Please let me know! We e-obankrotim you as quickly as possible and qualitatively. e-file application for bankruptcy right now, get 10% of discount! A friend of lead-all 20! " This ridiculous ads may soon zapestryat every street walls and pillars : the case must be profitable.

About a month ago, a New York businessman Fred Wilson (Fred Wilson) with unprecedented pride and joy stated that he is bankrupt. And not usual, a special-bankrupt XXI century.

The idea of such a step, a simple one : Fred is an active user of the Internet and its many services, including, of course, e-mail. But, no, of course not, because Mr. Wilson is a bankrupt e-mail. How? Easy!

"I have so much behind their e-mails that declare bankruptcy," Fred wrote in his blog. Simply put, refused to respond to all the letters that have come to his electronic mailbox.

At first glance, nothing special in this action, not even eccentric to be called. But this public "antipochtovy gesture" is not really a rarity.

For example, musician Moby created something similar back in September, sending in response to all incoming letters reported that the remainder of the year have almost no. Same periodically and make some professors, suddenly abandon their elektroyaschikov necessarily declaring his decision publicly.

Of course, scholars and musicians is essentially a very delicate and fragile souls, and they can allow some beating. But it was not in particular personality.

Indeed, analysts say Permessa corporations, postal traffic in the past two years doubled (interesting that the "double in two years' suspiciously recalls Moore's Law). It is not because all were crappy business, but because of the spam messages from viruses and other unwanted Web creations. Read all the same messages are sometimes just impossible. In short, e-mail was one of the benefits of technology, which has become "too much".

This state of affairs generally, it is extremely regrettable. So some or even drop out of their e-mail, or plyunuv all unopened letters stroke remove them and come to the box from scratch. "

David Ferris (David Ferris), the head of the firm Ferris Research, said that in 2006 the total global number of emails were six trillion pieces. A waiver David explained very simply. He said that by the end of the working day people feel pleased that the case made; But heaps left unanswered letters do not have the feeling. It can be e-your threat.

This is how many and had to resort to old media-type phone. "Since then I went back to the voice communication as a primary means of communicating with people," the statement made by CEO Teqlo Jeff Nolan (Jeff Nolan), which joined the boycott decided to undergo electronic mail. Or, as in "e-mail bankruptcy."

The term "bankruptcy electronic mail (e-mail bankruptcy) put into circulation professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sherri Terkl (Sherry Turkle).

Certainly, it was among the fatigued "Soap" and even made a discovery that so many people dream Mail reset its heavy burden. And it happened this inspiration after she accumulated 2.5 nechitannyh thousands of letters. Incidentally, the scholar will soon issue a book. Work on it has been for ten years, but, according to Mrs. Terkl, "if it did not interfere with e-mail, it would have been sufficient and five.

"So I can be reached, but e-mail is not the best way to do this", in the opinion of another e-bankrupt Sean Bonner (Sean Bonner), a network news blogs.

Professor, Stanford University (Stanford University), Lawrence Lessig (Lawrence Lessig), in 2004, also joined the ranks of E-obankrochennyh. Then he said that the choice before them : "Either that all the time, responding to e-mails or to work." As it is, after all, prefer easy-guess.

"Excuse me, but I am announcing my e-mail bankruptcy," a letter containing these words, he was sent to all those who could not answer. And he apologized for his "lack kibervezhlivost." What courteous!

A best-known and long-time e-bankrupt is not you believe! another famous Stanford special-Donald Knuth (Donald E. Knuth), which has made an enormous contribution to programming, mathematics, the theory of algorithms and other hard sciences.

One option he has been using e-mail sales in 1975 - m, but after 15 years decided to end this affair. Knut said that it's much better to write a book than to suffer from the continuous flow of communications (this was it - we add the grounds of democracy).

Moreover, the scientist recalls that when he needed three hours to review emails before they can begin work (today it is a normal practice). This is the time when about spam is usually thought, perhaps opening the refrigerator!

"But from January 1, 1990, I decided to become happy," said Knuth, hinting at his e boycott. Yes, certainly if Knuth says, it is something that is ...

Here are just not clear whether any particular prospects of e-bankruptcy, and whether it could, for instance, a new kind of subculture. Will e-obankrochennye in Knight collected on Bald Mountain for zaklaniya prints pending letters and ritual cleansing inbox, we know. Although all can be.

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