Monday, August 27, 2007

In monstrous kommunalke was normally 50 to thousands of Chinese

Terrible place! ... Here you can remove the dark Thriller, fantastic fighters, bloody uzhastiki or even melodrama the torment urban poor - but not comedy. For a decade and a half is not anything like this : Everything blooms and green. However, old memories and zhelteyuschie images do not forget the past strashnovatom the area.

Nevertheless, zavyazka history was not as dreadful.

The earliest days of this historical site lost somewhere in the era of the Chinese Song dynasty rulers, decades from 960 th in 1279 years.

The last emperor of the dynasty Bin (Bing) did what was to be simple to the Chinese Emperor : he gave nine mountains of the peninsula in the south Chinese names, one of them, of course, calling your name. All the nine mountains called Kowloon (translated from Chinese, "nine dragons"), and one of them also called Kowloon, strangely enough.

Soon word called a Kowloon district, and later the entire peninsula, and then has been making. Now, and not catch any of Koulunov is Kowloon, and which of them, indeed, Kowloon and the Kowloon ... In general, we are a little bit confused and gaze.

So at the end of the dynasty Honourable Mr. Sun, please, Emperor Bin ordered a small military outpost in the vicinity of any of Koulunov designed to protect against different bandits. At the same time, this paragraph (it is called, of course, the Kowloon-how else?) Engaged in salt.

After successfully Sun dynasty collapsed with the death of Bina and the advent of the Mongolian Empire and the Khan dynasty Yuan, Kowloon (who outpost) has been virtually forgotten. He said, more or less further strengthened in 1668-m, but its role was not very big, it has been just three dozen soldiers.

Now all these Kouluny belong to a special administrative region of China, Hong Kong (Finally, a new name!) , Which was seized by Britain in 1842. Further developments are not very conducive to China-way power Britons increasingly intensified, and they are demanding more and more territory.

In June 1898 between then last monarchy Qin dynasty and the British government signed a document in which the latter have the right to establish his colony of Hong Kong, a region covering Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula and some adjacent territories.

The only place that the Chinese have not lost is the same outpost in Kowloon, fenced protective wall. Chinese authorities would thus leave a small territory from which it could exercise a degree of control to the colonists, so that they are not very raspoyasyvalis.

However, in the very convention about this strengthened item silent - this was not your place. While agreeing with this, and suffered for decency until 1899, treacherous Britons gathered forces and captured in Kowloon.

News absorption seems to be worthwhile for the brick walls they have not found anything interesting : a territory within a densely built low Little House, which occurred about seven people, most of whom were fearful that of some Chinese chinushi.

Generally, the "invasion" get a man, and the question of Kowloon and hanging in the air. The only change that happened then is the new English name of Kowloon Walled City "walled city in Kowloon.

And since all are still, despite lot of passion that kids around, Britons have not squander Kowloon. Instead, they engaged in an urban area, the nearby; They are the already well - not surprising - called Kowloon.

As for the building in Kowloon, and it remained in the hands of China, in its various "options", and when he became the Republic of China in 1911, and in 1949, when he became a People's Republic of China.

But objectivity to be noted that before the authority "is too strong word. Rather said that China believed that its territory, but in reality, no fortress in Kowloon or the people it is not needed. This became evident during the most critical moments.

For example, during the Second World War, the Japanese occupied territory with impunity evicted people from the castle and even destroyed the ancient wall, part of which used an airport nearby.

По окончании войны и образования Китайской Народной Республики город стали потихоньку заселять преступники, а также беженцы из основной части Китая.

And in 1959, when the castle was assassinated in Kowloon, the situation is quite ridiculous : the Chinese government tried to shift responsibility for the incident in Britain (which in the meantime tried not to pay attention to the castle Kowloon), a British-China.

В 1970-х город-крепость (в самом деле уже не крепость) стал настоящим раем для мафиозных группировок, наркоторговцев и наркоманов… Так как за Коулуном никто не присматривал, то подобные лица стекались туда тысячами. Although, of course, there were quite decent citizens who lived there and returned long after the Japanese.

In any case, but the population has grown rapidly, and by the early 80-s of the last century had reached 30,000. The housing issue is addressed simply : it built more and more Qidwa, pristraivali new floors. Places were little, but the people became more and more.

In 1984, Britain agreed to recognize the city of Hong Kong. Nothing particularly terrible is not it : the convention, the British territory have the right to possess only 99 years left to bear for some 10 years.

But that does not keep carrying this wicked lair, the colonists decided to destroy the city and its residents resettled. The British long been preparing for the move and was able to do it only in 1993-meters

Incidentally, the task was not a simple one : the destruction at the time of this terrible place to live in the city of 50 thousand. At a time when the Kowloon was minor outpost, the population was less than a thousand times, and it was just a vast stretch of land - the size of a large stadium.

But in 1990 the "stadium" was tesnovat. It is easy to calculate, in the area of 0,026 square kilometres in population density reaches two million (!) Persons per square kilometre. Compare with an average population density in London about five million people per square kilometre, or in the same Hong Kong, where it is a little more than 6 million ...

Nevertheless, until the last moment people become more. In one tiny room sometimes lived across several people; Sometimes there were even any institution. Companies, however, were not what Ahti remarkable : next to the ordinary shops and places catering lives casino diseases, infectious opium, narkolaboratorii.

As told in Kowloon was somehow especially famous for countless dental surgeries, which itself had been unsanitary conditions and, consequently, doctors worked without licences ...

At the scene destroyed the capital city broke the park and restore some historical buildings, such as charge-old homes long Chinese officials.

This updates the site was again returned to power in China in 1997, when Britain returned it to the Hong Kong government.

And still there only park, and there is nothing like a bandit in Kowloon, often served biking venue for film spectacular scenes, such as in the film "Crime Story" (Crime Story). But now, but directors, it seems, few spares.

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