Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Experiments to withdraw from the body to re-establish the weird phenomenon

What you want people out of the body? No mystery left alone. Well, for this strange feeling fairly uncomplicated experience. But how to interpret and explain it in terms of the physiology and psychology of these scientists would have to think long.

Two independent teams of researchers, using almost the same methodology, played by volunteers feeling out of the body and tried to find out what the causes of such feelings among people, for example, experienced okolosmertelny experience under the influence of drugs or alcohol, caught in a dangerous, stressful or located in the state of meditation, subjected to extreme physical stress or suffered some neurological nature of violations.

Some experiments conducted Olaf Blanke (Olaf Blanke) of the Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) and his colleagues from other institutions and universities Switzerland and Germany. Second-Henrik Ersson (Henrik Ehrsson) from University College London (University College London) and his colleagues at UCL.

Coincidentally, Blank constant readers "diaphragm" sign. That he and his comrades launched from the patient hallucinations type terrible ghost behind. "

This time researcher turned its attention to the feeling out of the body (Out-of-body experience - OBE). If the experiments with the "ghost" used electrodes placed in the brain at this time was far prozaichnee.

In the experience of artificial reproduction OBE-displays and camera lenses to remove people from and transmitting the picture.

I guess the experience of a fan of games, which have entrenched themselves behind at some altitudes, and the camera was showing a picture of her on his computer screen helmet, yes and walked the city feel player in hodilku "of a third person (with video this guy can see here).

But in the case of experiments scientists all been worse. Researchers have tried to find a neurological explanation for the phenomenon OBE. And have, in general, to similar conclusions : this phenomenon is important disagreements and choose visual information.

Swiss police authorities to test virtual helmet and handed him a picture from a camera installed at some distance (about two meters) behind.

But it was still half the story. Next testers touched pen back to volunteer. And the system was designed so that the camera can transmit a picture of glasses tested as a synchronized, and some delay in time.

This delay is possible to assess that test before the gaze of their own body image perceived as a real body, which they left while now elsewhere.

Further experiment complicated. Man does not show his back, and back dvoynika- dummy. And the subjects also felt good "double forgery" as the body from which they "jumped", including in the stunt with a pen (on this page, you can see the spot, as they carried out experiments).

Then screens in the helmet tested fully turn, gave him "oslepshego", a few steps back and asked to return to the starting position. And people back, but not at its present location, and the place in which through the helmet earlier proetsirovalsya virtual double.

Ersson of UCL had similar experiences with the camera and computer vision. Although there have been differences.

So he, in particular, found that the test demonstrated a physiological response (with the notable sweat), in response to the threat of virtual double, that is - in "strike" a hammer on the place where it seemed people, he was leaving the body. Testers mahalla hammer before the camera. This man is well seen that the fact that he is sitting on a chair, at a distance of two of metr- hammer.

"Experience shows that the perception of the body critically depends on visual information. In other words, we feel that our identity is located where the eye, "explained these experiments Ersson.

Ersson an experiment reported in an article in Science, a team from Switzerland in the same issue published its report.

Сьюзен Блэкмор (Susan Blackmore), психолог из университета Западной Англии (University of the West of England), комментируя данные работы, сказала: "Учёные давно подозревали, что ключ к этому экстраординарному опыту, иногда меняющему жизнь, находится в разрушении обычной иллюзии того, we stand behind our eyes, and replaced it with a new point of view from above or behind. "

Here, however, should make a reservation. There are stories of leaving the body in clinical death, when a man allegedly saw itself. And the important point in this experience is, allegedly, the fact that people saw what could not see (reanimatorov efforts, for example) and, besides, it proves that he left his body.

Because the test is, to put it mildly, difficult, is to keep such reports on the conscience of the tellers. But experiments Bri
Farmers have experienced signs of AD rice pattiestish and Swiss researchers, with a "solution" was re-established means of technology, raise an interesting question - where a person experiencing a phenomenon OBE, visual information?

Let us think together : can be, in some small minds (almost unconscious in the oxygen starvation brain, cardiac arrest, for example) sees the world patient himself, but damaged brain leads to a different look at a number of Tactile feelings emanating from the body . If nerve chain responsible for the transfer of this information, picking up piecemeal.

And this discrepancy, as the form and Ersson, a feeling out of the body. The rest our brains may well domyslit itself.

Form, in particular, says that his experience shows : multisensorny conflict (a term the authors experience) is that the test moves to "I" in the position of the observed double its present outside the body. Hence, allegedly, OBE can not only reproduce, but also experimentally studied, scientific methods. There is likely to be opened many subtleties.

In any case, the authors of these studies suggest that the results will come not only in medicine and, more generally, to understand the secrets of the brain, but in the computer game (where you can invent new ways to enhance the image of the) system, or Remote Management anything (a robot surgeon, for example).

One postanovschikov experiments in Switzerland, Thomas Metzinger (Thomas Metzinger), argues that the experiments are challenging existing perceptions not only in physiology, but, to some extent, and in philosophy. As the sense of "I" is traditionally seen as something metaphysical, can learn, reflect a world-something makes us unique.

Cheating and "dissections" this sense of "I", scientists have shown that our brains are in the business of processing information from the outside, comparing a visual replicas and Tactile sensations, thereby creating a sense of "geographical" Unity physical body and self / personality.

And unity is easy to break. The mind simply "does not like" wrong not consistent "sensors" (vestibular apparatus, Tactile sensations view), and perhaps linked to a reasonable way, creating the illusion out of the body or, if you like, illusion of a second body.

But because of the deception was enough "to make the body from the eyes, according to Metzinger, Blank and their colleagues on the work needed to be rephrased wrote René Descartes :" Video Ergo Sum. "

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