Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Farmers have experienced signs of AD rice patties

Say, outsiders from space again spoilt your field of their community and others cheered? Do not rush rasstraivatsya and before jumping to conclusions : perhaps there you are not any circles, a simple Bill AD. In some quarters, these pieces appear in rice fields every year strictly in the same time. A result of this, incidentally, is not as bad as it seems and it is diagnostic.

Previously, we pro ricefields you told almost nothing. Only once advised that, as one of them bryaknulos heavenly sign, and all.

Therefore, this time with joy povedaem a tremendous presentation, which each year farmers little Japanese town Inakadate (Inakadate) suit in Aomori prefecture (Aomori). They paint a picture of the giant rice fields. The fruits of their work, however, is seeing some time because, unlike some of the Dutch, they have been without coca carnival. But ultimately simply enormous.

on May 27 this year, a team of a couple of hundred local farmers went to the local field covering a total area of about 15,000 square meters. Then those brave selskohozyaystvenniki day, standing knee in the water, rice sown. None of this is not remedied, this would be the "preview", which are features of this plant hygrophilous culture.

But before something there, the patient town residents and all others who watched the "developments" had to wait for almost a month. Now, in the second half of June, a miracle happened, more precisely, no miracle has not happened - a figure calmly proros so, as had been planted in the form of the same paintings, which are on the field because there was a lack of Japanese farmers.

Residents Inakadate razukrashivayut their rice fields this way since 1993. The theme of these cereals have different sequences of art - until Mony Lisa (admittedly, this lady came not without typical Japanese "emphasis"). Although, of course, prevalent in the subjects own culture.

In 2007, farmers painter decided to infringe on the most obvious thing about the arts of Japan Governor of BC That word is called engravings created in the Edo period in Japan's history - phase, which lasted from the beginning until the end XVII XIX century. In this genre created works with a wide variety of stories, from urban scenes of daily life to nature.

Japanese Governor-e translates as "wanton world picture." These words have a philosophical subtext, speaks of allowing routine life. But this title is particularly accurate and somewhat ironic when applied to rice crops : pictures of them, of course, do not last forever.

This year showed that the rice art (name of this activity is not) is thriving.

Aside from the fact that this time the farmers started playing so well-known for, and so they have decided to emulate the most popular artist working in this style-Katsusike Hokusayu (Katsushika Hokusai; Born in 1760-m, died in 1849).

Elgin produced numerous engravings, which are far beyond Asia. One of the most famous series of signs AD, it created, called the "Thirty-six species of Mount Fuji" (1832). Out front the farmer Inakadate and chose a couple of exciting.

Once in some graphics (that such treatment had occurred, photos fields would not have doubts), made a simple scheme, in which the paintings are in the form of image contours.

All that then you need to do is adapt them something to do to keep from gryadok and closing figures at their own discretion. As a "paint" using different rice varieties.

For example, grain conventional rice yellow watched from afar light green and brown, almost black.

By August, the image is particularly contrasting. In the fall, it is time to harvest. One reason, I do not understand : how to call the rice, which on September 30 gathered in these fields? Probably, "Assorted"

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