Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Singing programmer unites Europe in a virtual choir

Petya itself well. For Peter, moreover, capable of making even better. Petya for themselves and others with knowledge of the case, so even with the most advanced technologies ... Net No, it would not present "stars" and "plywood, and modern inspired by the people who dream towards any obstacles wasted.

Dr. Barry Chitem (Barry Cheetham), a specialist in computer science and passionate lover singing in the choir, decided to merge their two hobbies, and the first in Europe to create a "virtual choir" (Virtual Choir), by combining Internet and poluprofessionalov lovers in "living" concerts.

Dr. Chitem working in the research group APT (Advanced Processor Technology), and already 10 years as a first instalment sings bass in the choir at Manchester University (The University of Manchester Chorus). In addition, he is in the British choral community Holmfirth Choral Society.

All these years singer is also digitizing and transfer of voice recordings on different types of networks at the University of Manchester (University of Manchester). And, judging by the list of his publications, the doctor asked how the physiological side of this issue, and technical.

And, of course, he is well aware that modern computer networks are not yet ready for full implementation of his ideas. To make individual singers singing in various parts of a single whole of Europe, that is such that they are singing in a concert hall-needed "ultrashirokopolosnye" network. And they should be made public.

Meanwhile, the sound and picture transfer to the Network in real time rather difficult, every digital delay various online services to make singing punctuated in the cacophony.

There are, of course, very fast broadband network, but now it specializes in working with a limited number of applications. Because Doctor Chitem hopes that his initiative is not only enjoys minded, but also spur development of the Internet.

Therefore enthusiast looking for potential sponsors for its ambitious project. Indeed, apart from improving network capacity, the need to create software that would be fast and qualitative characteristics vote horistov digitized, and then transferred it to the network.

But there is another difficulty. A system by which a conductor can control each member and choir rehearsing can (work) so that all stand side by side.

"We hope to establish online collaboration among choirs of Europe. And we are keen to contribute to the integration of the European Union people, "says Chitem. - Unfortunately, distance and speed information is not allowed and is likely in the coming years will allow us with our project beyond Europe. "

The current aim is to combine the existing church and school choirs singing groups various religious organizations into one, but a virtual choir. Initially Doctor Chitem plans to focus on classical and popular choral music, different songs.

"In Europe, there is an enormous number of community choirs, many of which have very high standards. Some even supported by professional orchestras, such as the Hallé Orchestra, "explains the doctor. - This community is an important part of the European social culture. They usefully fill leisure, and participation in them is fun most ordinary people, as young and old, rich and exotic. "

While the developers of "virtual choir" no plans to connect the project to develop professional orchestras, as well as pop and rock band, because of this interaction will most certainly require a huge capacity and performance.

And what if Chitemu can turn dreams into reality? There can be trumpeted on the European association of general idea of records for the Guinness Book (especially if gather in the "virtual choir, a lot of people) that the name of the creator of history, of the triumph of computer technology and much more ...

But perhaps the real joy and admiration of the project experience elderly and disabled people who participate in the project, may return the meaning of life.

However, with one important condition : they must be good quality computer and Internet connection. And so happens

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