Wednesday, August 29, 2007

These radish find on the Internet better Vegetable Garden

Dogs - bad people? Not at all, the gentlemen of fortune in this case was not appropriate. There needs good people, hard-working and loving. And they needed a true dogs! Attention, announced an international competition ogorodnikov- fans capable of raising dogs on the Internet!

Actually, Jardiland is a large network of French magazines like "Everything for the garden and kitchen garden." But the network is so ubiquitous, and perhaps helpful that the French have decided without any selfish interest described in her honour unusual project. Its message, according to the authors, "this race redisok Web" (real radish races on the Internet).

The project was initiated by artist Frans Kade (France Cadet), and electrical engineer Jean-Pierre Mandon (Jean Mandon). Both are professors robot laboratory arts school Aix-en-Provence (Ecole d'Art d'Aix-en-provence).

Incidentally, Kade already known to our readers, it is cloned and robotics mutants created by a gentle way of killing arrested. Now, her new work.

So, Jardiland is a combination igrushek- and Tamagotchi virtual pets (like those dogs), only to replace those and other plant life is Raphanus sativus minor.

Despite the existence of similar American project Telegarden allowing users group caring for the living ogorodikom through network through Scissorhands manipulator, Kade and Mandon be called innovators : the installation Telegarden different from the mere fact that each party has its own competition-dogs, zapakovannaya a special module.

Jardiland precursor installation project Telegarden - has been developed at the University of Southern California (University of Southern California) and launched in June 1995 Set-Go. Already in the first year of life ogorodika little more than 9,000 users, managing rukoy- robotic assisted plants. After 9 years, in August 2004, the project was shut down, and the experiment to be successful

Jardiland precursor installation project Telegarden - has been developed at the University of Southern California (University of Southern California) and launched in June 1995 Set-Go. Already in the first year of life ogorodika little more than 9,000 users, managing rukoy- robotic assisted plants. After 9 years, in August 2004, the project was shut down, and the experiment to be successful

But let us order. To become a participant (and it will be more than once : in addition to France, the plans appear Britain, Portugal and the United States), users must fill out a form on the site.

Then organizers, in the possession of the principles for each contest will select six "Ogorodnikov. These people, in whatever in the world they may be, are virtual keys to the modules.

At the beginning of "race" all boxes will be simultaneously closed and placed in a secret location, access to which is exclusively through the Internet, will be only the players, each of whom will be "manager" a small ecosystem.

First "gardener" will be planted radish seeds using automated arm (she also handy), then it would have to carefully look after plants : watering of it, fertilize, publicity, Ventilate box and monitor its temperature. All this within the module equipment available.

But it is not so simple : water, fertilizer and electricity will be limited early in the competition and then the jury will take into account how cleverly the resources-party evaluation of these factors will largely critical.

Monitor the growth of its radish "gardener" will result in a box camera, but will be allowed to make only three pictures a day. And so that the dogs can see "trees" is not only full-Roots.

Competition will continue in exactly 21 days. As a result, all the modules will be open simultaneously, radish excavated, deciding the winner, and the one who raised the largest fruit receive a prize. What is unclear. But the rest of the competition will be issued radish, which they holili and cherished.

According to the authors, Jardiland poses several meanings : it concerns civilization on the day their daily bread mixed with pleasure and fun experiment with the latest technology, which, ironically, is a single dogs, giving it extraordinary importance.

"Nature through the dogs are precious. Let us help nature, and offer Kade Mandon. Let's wait for the start of competition.

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