Friday, August 31, 2007

Tail wagging the dog in the mood

Every owner and a dog lover knows how they know about his mood. If ears pressed to the head, torso in all voltage and tail draw, which means "So I can not communicate." Mules are torchkom your cats, but he never stopped, weaves under your feet and the tail car so that the fact and behold sorts? It should be clear what that means "I am so glad to see you!" .

May and the time when the dog will give more readable signals (with LED nozzles on the tail and mechanical poo), but we have to learn to understand dog "gestures".

But recently, scientists have found a very interesting feature of the conduct of dogs, which do not know is not only the best dog handlers (and recommendations), but even the experts kinologi.

After a series of experiments on 30 different breeds of dogs, it became clear that if the dog is generally positive, he says more tail to the right side. If it is anything Angry or upset, the movement shifted to the left side of the rib. See video.

Yes, the results of the study are published in the March issue of the journal Current Biology.

Alright, interesting observation. But where are these sciences?

The fact is that many scholars still argue - whether manifested emotional brain asymmetry in any of the animals except man whose left part of the brain became evolve with the development of speech.

Previous work of the various scientists have shown that the majority of animals, including birds, fish and frogs, the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for positive emotions and so-called enrichment of energy. For example, people left hemisphere is linked to those feelings of love, affection, peace and security, if you have a heart rhythm slows down, and the body feels calm and satisfaction.

Right Hemisphere, by contrast, is responsible for conduct involving the expenditure of energy output. For this : fear, depression, flight, physiologically terms from heart palpitations and stopping work digestive system.

Since the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, a left-right side, the asymmetry of the body opposite hemisphere brain activity.

Perhaps for that reason, many birds looking for food, using more right eye (the left hemisphere, soak the body), and a predator control around the left.

The right part of the human person tends to express happiness, while the muscles of the left shows all the unhappiness and sorrow. A left-handed, right from the truth.

"No dogs tail is the median line torso, or to the left or the right half. Can it be emotional imbalance? " - asked Dr. Richard Davidson (Richard J. Davidson), Chief, Laboratory of Neurophysiology emotional University of Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin).

Italians Giorgio Vallortigara (Giorgio Vallortigara) neyrofiziolog from the University of Trieste (Università degli Studi di Trieste) and his fellow veterinarians from the University of Bari (Università degli Studi di Bari), Angelo Kuaranta (Angelo Quaranta) and Marcello Siniscalchi (Marcello Siniscalchi) responded to a question Davidson and showed that-could.

To do so, they placed household pets in cells equipped with cameras to accurately measure the angle of deviation from the median of the tail of the body. Then they were four different incentive : their boss, unknown individual, a cat and a strange "dominant" dog.

In each case, the dog followed the man or animals in one minute. Then experimenters have adjourned for a half minutes, and further followed by the image. The experiments lasted 25 days and 10 sessions each day.

With a masters heavily white-tailed dogs moving in the right side, in the form of unknown individual movement also shifted to the right, but were not as frequent. Kind cat movements caused the tail, tilted to the right, but with lower amplitude. If the same number appearing aggressive unfamiliar dog (large Belgian Shepherd Dog), tails immediately respond movement left.

Thus, it may be assumed that the right of the tail muscles responsible for the expression of positive emotions, and the left-negative.

Australian neyrofiziolog Leslie Rogers (Lesley Rogers) from the University of New England (University of New England) added that brain asymmetry is not only in mammals, but many lower animals, which have evolved to a higher life forms.

For example, bees learn better if used the right ties, said Leslie, a male chameleon show aggression, changing colors body, which looked at another chameleon left eye. Jabe more likely to try to escape from a predator if it appears to the left (right hemisphere fear), it prefers to dispose of the language right in catching insects (left hemisphere-saturation).

Hens have left eyes to find food, and the right to supervise the sides and dangerous situations. But if the chickens grown in the dark, notes Rogers, the normal brain asymmetry have not evolved.

Sheep very distinguished person and to distinguish from Molly Dolly, they use the right hemisphere of the brain.

"The chimpanzee emotional brain asymmetry is the same as in humans," says William Hopkins (William D. Hopkins), a researcher from the National Center Yerkskogo primates (Yerkes National Primate Center). According to him, when the monkeys filed, it often seems as if the left part of his body, thereby issuing a strong negative emotions. Moreover, shimpanze- looking more remote than for right. Their dominant right hemisphere makes them more cautious.

The asymmetric brain appears to be the ancient feature makes the overall conclusion Rogers. This asymmetry provides the organism an advantage for the survival of a species. For animals, which can make two important cases at the same time (for example, a monitor and predators), survive better than those who consumed only one thing. In addition, the animal with two brain hemispheres are not duplicated functions and brain tissue used to the maximum advantage.

As you can see, study, which at first glance claimed maximum Shnobelevskuyu Prize, revealed some secrets of the evolution of animal life. And the dog tail not only showed scientists what it is a canine mood, but possibly pushed to a new study, since no one has yet proved that no dog language.

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